About us ______

Management Desk

Welcome to the KNSfamily!I hope you are ready to experience an amazing school wear. Our principal and the faculty are working hard to prepare engaging and rewarding learning experiences.

We believe that each and every student has a gift to share, and we work hard to unlock their highest potential. We have high expectations of our students, and we have high expectations of ourselves to help all KNS students learn and grow into well-rounded citizens and critical thinkers. KNS aims to develop leadership skills, social, emotional skills and academic skills to prepare students for success in all endeavours.

Kannammal Institution students will be taught to view themselves as learners and to think about what it looks like to be a good observer and thinker. To us critical thinking and problem-solving skills are as important as content knowledge and marks.

Students will also be taught to acquire the analytical, evaluative, and creative skills to apply such thinking toward becoming successful in the jobs of the future.

To help your student be successful in education, help them understand what is required of them to be a g learner inside and outside of the classroom. Talk about qualities and learning beilors such as: taking positive risks, viewing errors as opportunities, working to recover from a mistake, giving and receiving feedback, asking questions, collaborating with peers, setting goals, planning with a purpose, and tracking their own progress.

We look forward to helping students maximize their growth at KNS family wishes you and we kids all happiness and prosperity! Stay Blessed.

S. Abharajitha

Managing Trustee